Commentary on Screenwriting Assignment 1: Intro Imagery

Finally able to sit down at the blog again, but it’s been a few days since I uploaded the first screenplay assignment, so I figured I’d expand on it in a new post rather than edit the original one and have nobody realize it. A commenter* suggested that it could be useful to include aContinue reading “Commentary on Screenwriting Assignment 1: Intro Imagery”

Screenwriting assignment 1: Intro Imagery

(Pardon the imperfectly reproduced screenplay format. If there’s a 1:1 way to conform a WordPress blog post to screenplay format, I don’t know it. Anyway, I’ll keep formatting and uploading these as I have time, until they’re all up.) 1 FADE IN 2 INT. DAVID’S KITCHEN – DAY An automatic coffee pot begins to percolateContinue reading “Screenwriting assignment 1: Intro Imagery”

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